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Our Connection:


We are American Baptists and with other ABCUSA churches

we strongly proclaim: 


Our Commitment to the BIBLE


Our Commitment to the LOCAL CHURCH


Our Commitment to MISSION


Our Commitment to SERVICE to Our Local Churches


Our Commitment to EVANGELISM


Our IDENTITY Statement (June 1998 version)

“We Are American Baptists” is an expression of Christian Faith representative of American Baptists adopted by the covenanting partners of American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A., 6/19/98. “We Are American Baptists” can be found in the Standing Rules, under Addendum #1.


What Baptists Believe...Acrostic
Created by Rev. Dr. Ralph K. Lamb


B  The Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God which is the 'Sword of Truth'. Without apology, revelation of God's identity                 and activity and His direction for our salvation are found in the Word. 

A Atonement - Forgiveness from our sin only happens through faith in the sacrificial Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, who died for our             sins, was buried, and after three days, rose victoriously.

P Priesthood of All Believers - With Jesus as the high Priest, He lives as our mediator. We have direct access to God. Every                         believer through personal forgiveness can gain direct access to God.

T Task of Evangelism - Christians are called to go into all the world and make disciples, Baptizing and Teaching the in the name of         the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28)

I     Immersion Baptism - As Christ was immersed in the Jordan river by John, we too are to obediently follow Him into the waters of          believers baptism of water and spirit.

S Separation of Church and State - The Government can impose no authority over the body of believers.


T Two Ordinances - Immersion Baptism and the Lord's Supper are set apart by Christ in God's Word to be the sacramental                          remembrances in faith until Christ Returns.


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